Sikeres diszlexia korrekció ChromaGen szemüveggel

Az olvasási zavar oka a látóidegpálya sérülése, ez korrigálható diszlexia szemüveggel

Glasses of dyslexia

The special lenses for reading skills development
2500 people in Hungary have already been borne by the glasses dyslexia

 Special glasses l - special  teaching program. Eye - a teacher will pair up to fight against részképesség disorders. According to experts, the world's population of around 7-10 per cent of dyslexia. In Hungary, the number of reading difficulties, from 700,000 to 1,000,000 in disaster tehető.Bizonyos brain, a stroke may be someone even after diszlexiássá, so this is a problem not only affects the student ages. A világújdonsággal, and the further development of Hungary, however, significant progress has been made in the reading skills of the teaching reedukációjában dyslexia. A special use of goggles in the first test of the improvement is noticeable.

Slow reading, reading comprehension is difficult, leaving the letters and permutation, jumping or distorted lines - the most common típushibái dyslexia. According to experts, the problem of the world's population affected by 7-10 per cent. The number of reading difficulties, Hungary, from 700,000 to 1,000,000 to be made.

The experts dealing with dyslexia have long been able to read a variety of reasons for this difficulty. The szakpedagógus, and you are concerned, and often with heroic struggle to find a suitable alternative method of learning reading skills.

A now, and the further development of Hungarian researchers, however, a solution to the problem. The procedure is a special filter, which can be glasses or contact lenses. Use of this change in the movement of the stimulus látópályában, making it even more developed nervous system to process the incoming information: the reading improves. The change in the glasses immediately noticeable after: a woman reading speed, while the number of errors is reduced. The improvement has been measured after one month szemüvegviselés the number of patients in the letter, a word to see at the same time, so faster and more able to read, less error - information about

Dr. Ildikó Csobay an eye specialist for the procedure at home using Oculo-Cor Ltd. Director.
The eye specialist company, Gál Judit dyslexia specialist teachers, the educational process for ophthalmic diagnostic procedures and the Meixner-based reedukációs procedure. The specific diagnosis and reedukációs program using the glasses dyslexia exponentially increases the chances to learn good reading and writing skills. The system, if necessary, the effectiveness of ear-nose-and-, foniáter, neurologist, psychiatrist, assisted by professionals in science and nutrition. The results show that those patients, the most significant development in the teaching of the lens wearing reedukációt and complex adjustment program have been used.
The procedure, due to novelty, is not subject to social security, supported by the medical aids are. However, since Hungary has been a hundred - including foreign trips specifically for this examination in Hungary, Hungarian-speaking slide, middle-aged woman, having undergone a stroke on the old gentleman - wear the color overlay lenses, with results of several tests show that the glasses matched reedukáció effective teaching. 

The reedukáció another novelty: a colorful lens overlay regular readers e-mail contact with a dyslexia specialist teacher. Send worksheets to be solved back-up solution. Thus, continuous measurable improvement.


Judit Gál teacher, teacher, dyslexia, diszgráfia, diszkalkulia expert


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